Lifestyle stock content + templates
For intentional online business owners.
Take the first step to feeling less overwhelmed & have more fun creating content for your brand.
Niche lifestyle stock photos can be expensive and time-consuming to find.
Our Beach Babe Stock Membership gives you access to over 2,500 lifestyle stock images, 500 graphics, and Canva templates for one low price per month. All of our imagery is high-quality, professional-level photography. Our photographer & founder, Cherry is based in Thailand, so you’ll see a fresh perspective of lots of feminine, tropical-inspired images and designs.
You’re going to love our images, graphics and Canva templates if you’ve got a business that leans towards feminine, business & entrepreneurship, or tropical images in your branding.

Hey, I'm Cherry!
I’m the photographer & creator behind Beach Babe Stock, and I live in Khao Lak, Thailand.
I’m a proud dog and cat mum (2 dogs and 2 cats!), LOVE reading, going surfing and, of course, photography is a lifelong passion!
I created Beach Babe Stock to help other business owners have access to more niche, feminine, lifestyle stock photos that will help grow their business and brand online in a faster and more affordable way.
Check out the Mini Membership if you’re in need of a smaller volume of content, or click here if you’d like to learn more about the full membership.
Looking for an alternative to our membership options?
Our lifestyle stock photo collections are pre-curated bundles so you know you’re getting a perfect set of images that look good and function well together without having to search for them all individually yourself. ✌️
Sign up & start rebranding now.
I’ll send you 20 free lifestyle stock photos + graphics now so you can start up leveling your online branding and content strategy.